Buy albums
Trine Opsahl’s music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, and most other online music services.
The music is being distributed in various countries. Please use the contact form if you would like to inquire about distribution in your part of the world.
CD albums can be ordered from this page with Amazon or other online music stores. If you order from this page, you can enter a dedication that Trine will write on the album cover 🙂

You can order Trine Opsahl’s new album “The Moon Stays Bright” now.
The price for one album is 96 DKK (appx. 13 EUR or 15 USD) and 80 DKK ( appx 11 EUR or 12 USD) if you order two or more albums. These prices exclude Danish VAT. VAT will not be added to foreign orders. Cost for packing and posting will be added.
You can use the form below to submit an order. We will return with the price and payment details by email.