New solo harp album with incidental cello out now: The Moon Stays Bright

Solo har album with cello 2021
Trine’s latest solo album contains a number of Trine’s compositions alternating with improvisations, Cellist Josefine Opsahl contributes on three compositions. The album is available as a physical album and has just been released digitally on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. “The Moon Stays Bright” was recorded in The Village Studio in the spring of 2021.
Track list:
- The Moon stays Bright 8:44
- Moonscapes I 9:27
- Do not Simply pass by like a Dream 5:29
- Rose of the Eternal Spring (Duo) 4:29
- Return of the Light 3:35
- Moonscapes II 6:23
- Stars lie Hidden in You 5:59
- Do not Simply pass by like a Dream (Duo) 5:42
- I may look Distant but I am so Close 8:57
- Moonscapes III 4:17
- The Moon stays Bright (Duo) 6:29
- Vigga’s Song 3:44
The album is REALLY beautiful! Completely his own, but with the same healing sounding board as all your and your music. It evokes a peculiar enchantment when walking with the music on the roads of the inner paths. The melodies are dreamy but not directionless, like the soft whisper of riddles in the dark. You know there are answers to them if you search long enough and keep longing for the soul’s answers. One is strengthened in his certainty that the magic of life always carries us through the night, through confusion, sorrow, anxiety and perdition. To me, this CD is a musical expression of the pilgrimage in the unknown illuminated by the gentle and loving light of universal wisdom. So THANK YOU for yet another healing gift for all of us! Hope so that the music reaches a lot of people, also abroad.
Signe Urdskilde, September 2021
I know it’s kind of a cliché to equate harp music with heavenly angels, but The Moon Stays Bright is pure listening bliss. Nine harp solos and three duets for harp and cello create a warm, comforting place to just breathe and let everything else go. Ahhhhhhhhh……
Kathy Parsons, Mainly Piano
Harp/cello duo album: The Infinite Between Us

Harp / cello duo album 2021
Trine has been in the studio with her daughter, cellist Josefine Opsahl. They have recorded a new harp / cello album, which was released on January 1, 2021.
Your CD has arrived and I have listened through it. Wow a great album you have recorded! In addition to beautiful numbers and great sound, it is absolutely fantastic how well you complement each other … and excel together. I will listen to it a lot 🙂
Kim Martin Holfelt
I just want to say thank you so much for another amazingly beautiful and enriching CD. I heard it last night in meditation and swam all the way into it.
Signe Urdskilde
The reinterpretations of some of my absolute favorite songs (especially Eternity in a Song, The Nameless, In a Grain of Sand and Lightly Dance into the Morning) are delightfully beautiful and the new melodies as well as the energy of the CD I perceive as uplifting and (like all the other CDs) inviting to a deep confidence in Life.
The light from the tones falls gently inside me and nourishes the strength that is growing more and more within me.
So THANK YOU to you and your daughter for the beauty you are and give.
Hi again, Trine.
Steen Bille
The CD landed here and I have eavesdropped before I wrap it as a Christmas present and I hear beautiful sounds, beautiful melodies, I love the Celtic tone. The flow in the melodies, your empathy, the calm that flows gently but also powerfully in the tones, so that they paint landscapes, portraits, colors and meditative moods in me. THANK YOU from the heart for your music I must wish you and you some cozy, warm Christmas days and a new year with lots of music, creative urge and concerts.

Previous albums
Click to read more about each album and to hear examples of the music.

Solo harp, 2005
Køb musikken
Trine Opsahl’s music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, and most other online music services.
The music is being distributed in various countries. Please use the contact form if you would like to inquire about distribution in your part of the world.
CD albums can be ordered from this page with Amazon or other online music stores. If you order from this page, you can enter a dedication that Trine will write on the album cover

You can order Trine Opsahl’s new album “The Moon Stays Bright” or previous albums below.
The price for one album is 120 DKK (appx. 16 EUR or 20 USD) for one CD and 100 DKK if you order two or more. These price include Danish VAT. VAT will not be added to foreign orders. Cost for packing and posting will be added.
You can use the form below to submit an order. We will return with the price and payment details by email.