
Here are some of the wonderful reviews I have received for my albums.

The Moon Stays Bright

The Moon Stays Bright is a collection of enchanting melodies that beckon you to follow the inner paths of spiritual adventure, whispering riddles in the dark that only your heart can answer. The tunes have a dreamy quality − not aimless, but full of guiding vision pouring from the wellspring of cosmic mysteries. Listening to them brings you back into a certainty that the healing magic of Life will always carry us through even the darkest nights of the soul. This collection is a musical expression of the pilgrimage of the Unknown, a quest illuminated by the gentle and loving light of universal wisdom. Thank you for yet another wondrous album, a gift of healing to us all!

Signe Urdskilde

I know it’s kind of a cliché to equate harp music with heavenly angels, but The Moon Stays Bright is pure listening bliss. Nine harp solos and three duets for harp and cello create a warm, comforting place to just breathe and let everything else go. Ahhhhhhhhh……

Kathy Parsons, Mainly Piano

Listen to The Moon Stays Bright, and you are bound to find that “Stars Lie Hidden In You.” This is a prolific release that you should not miss. The Celtic Harp is a fantastic instrument and becomes magical instantly in the right hands. Trine Opsahl is one of those rare artists that come along once in a lifetime for a listener. Her music will leave an indelible imprint on your soul.

Keith Hannaleck, New Age Music Reviews

While listening to these tracks, personally I found a succession of riddles that the musical notes threw at my inquisitive mind. As I kept solving them mentally one by one, my exciting travel took off letting me pass through newer levels of spiritual existence.

Vivek Kumar, New Music Alert

Legendary harpist Trine Opsahl, with a little help from her daughter Josefine on inspiring cello, offers us a sublime album of deep beauty and hopeful promise. The Moon Stays Bright is a dozen New Age and contemporary gifts that feature optimistic, meditative, and calming relief from your busy world. Breathe deep and take part often.

R J Lannan, Artisan Music Reviews

Trine Opsahl continues her unbroken string of exceptional releases with The Moon Stays Bright, which for me is her most soothing and reflective album to date. She is at the top of her game here.

Bill Binkelman, Wind and Wire

Unbroken Dreams

Sit yourself by a window, perhaps on a partly sunny day with clouds lazily drifting by, and allow the music of Trine and Josefine Opsahl to wash over you, maybe eliciting a daydream or two from you…of your childhood, a past love, or a warm memory. I doubt you will hear a finer musical tonic for today’s troubled world.

Bill Binkelman, Wind and Wire

Unbroken Dreams is a brilliant combination of Celtic and Nordic tradition blended with contemporary inclinations. The spiraling nature of each piece was like a flower bursting open, with new discoveries every step of the way. I couldn’t stop listening and don’t plan to any time soon.

Keith Hannaleck, New Age Music Reviews

Unbroken Dreams is an album filled with exquisite artistry and intricate interplay. Trine is an exceptional musician in every way, and more than deserves to be known as one. And the same goes for Josefine, who despite her young years, is highly accomplished, not only technically, but also stylistically and intuitively. The blend of the earthy and the ethereal on Unbroken Dreams makes for a beautifully uplifting and heart-warming listening experience that is nourishing to the body, mind, and spirit.

Michael Diamond, Music and Media Focus

Unbroken Dreams is their second mother and daughter collaboration. Their love, passion and respect of the relationship is quite evident. Every track has a give and take to the instrumentation that is joyous and enchanting. Their two voices are certainly one on this recording and it is glorious.

Rating: Very Good+

R J Lannan, The Sounding Board

Unbroken Dreams is the follow-up recording to Leaving My Silent Empty House from Celtic harpist Trine Opsahl and her daughter Josefine, who plays cello. As on that earlier album, the two talented musicians have rare simpatico, almost as if they were one musician playing two instruments simultaneously. This innate talent, to intertwine musically with one another, yields music which is soulful, delicate, beautiful, serene, and sometimes softly dramatic. At 23 years old, Josefine’s command of her instrument is remarkable and bodes a long and praiseworthy career ahead. Trine performs with a casual elegance, so well attuned to the sonic qualities of the Celtic harp that it’s as if the two were old, dear friends. Influences can be heard from both the classical and new age genres and the mood can vary from serene and soothing to somber and introspective. What will strike most listeners is the sense of intimacy achieved throughout the album. While, at times, the music can be sparse, approaching mild minimalism, the beauty is always present, flowing through Unbroken Dreams like a golden thread winding through an exquisite tapestry.

Bill Binkelmann, Zone Music Reporter

The crisp, sparkling sound of the plucked harp strings is an amazingly effective pairing with the velvety-smooth bowed strings of the cello.

Unbroken Dreams is a beautiful masterpiece for the music alone. Relaxation, healing, and stress relief are bonuses for listeners. This music is perfect for so many situations, but be sure to really listen to it to hear the full yet subtle impact of the music. It is available from Amazon, iTunes and CD Baby. Very highly recommended!

Kathy Parsons, Mainly Piano

Trine and Josefine Opsahl are a marvelous mother and daughter duo. Unbroken Dreams is a brilliant combination of Celtic and Nordic tradition blended with contemporary inclinations. The spiraling nature of each piece was like a flower bursting open, with new discoveries every step of the way. I couldn’t stop listening and don’t plan to any time soon. There is a reason Opsahl’s work is used as soundtrack material in documentaries. It’s that good. And now with the added layer of her daughter’s cello work, I’m hooked for life. More please. This album is amazing. If you are a fan of fantasy novels or just plain good music, you seriously have to get this album.

Dana Wright, New Age Music Reviews

Somewhere in a Hidden Memory

This album is her third release and I only wish I had known of her sooner–I never tire of music as timeless and therapeutic as hers. Somewhere in a Hidden Memory is no longer a “hidden” CD which is great news for listeners looking for a soothing musical balm to counteract the craziness we must contend with on a day-by-day basis.

Bill Binkelmann, Zone Music Reporter

This is a superb album that will reward the listener with many wonders on repeated listening.

John Peters, The Borderland

Somewhere in a Hidden Memory is one of the best harp albums I’ve heard!

Kathy Parsons, MainlyPiano

I love this album! I haven’t heard anything as peaceful as this since Kim Robertson’s first Celtic harp releases in the early ’80s. Trine Opsahl’s harp play is a therapy for body, mind and soul! A gentle sound bath – meditative and rejuvenating. Inspired by Therese Schroeder-Sheker who reinvented Music & the Art of Dying a practice for people who make the transition to another plane, Trine also plays in hospices in her homeland in Denmark. It is interesting that harp music is thought to be the music of the heavens and that angels play the harp! There must be something in the sound of the harp that is healing, angelic and soothing. Somewhere in a Hidden Memory is highly recommended.

Tajali Moonstar

Trine Opsahl’s music is so peaceful and resonant. The Celtic harp is such a glorious instrument. Her original compositions for harp blend one into the other like floating on clouds of different sizes, shapes and textures. To give an idea of the range: the opening track “To a Wild Rose” is wistful and contemplative, while “Crossroads” is like sonic pixie dust & “Ripples in Water” embodies a bubbling brook running briskly. “Brother Sun” and “Somewhere in a Hidden Memory” are lovely melodies that grow gracefully with repeated play. For fans of harp music, this is a delightful disc. Enjoy!

Lee Armstrong på

Listening to this album is like drifting on a sea of consciousness that guides you away from the hectic stress of life.
If you like blissful harmonies and harp music with a heavenly tone then I think you will enjoy this album as much as I did.

Dana Wright,

… It is Trine’s commitment and experience as a musician and composer that is the wind in the sails of the instrument. One of my favorite songs was the title track, which created a melancholy, dreamlike mood that evoked rich visual images when I listened with my eyes closed.

Michael Diamond, Music and Media Focus

With this soft, undulating album full of female energy, you will spend time in pleasant company. It will send the mind in the right direction and, who knows, give you positive incentives that will change your life so you avoid problems and negative emotions. (Freely translated from Russian)

Sergei Oreshkin, Ascentor

Niels Horskjær has made a video for Trine Opsahl’s piece “Somewhere in a Hidden Memory” from the same album. Lovely and thoughtful melodies, natural sketches and pure sound – these are just some elements of Trine Opsahl’s rich world. Inner impressions live independently of the outer life. There are lights and smiles on the musician’s face – that means God is helping Trine during her playing. (Freely translated from Romanian)

Antony Krakhmalnik, om Niels Horskjærs video

The Celtic harp in all its glory, this is how the Norwegian composer and harpist Trine Opsahl demonstrates her instrument. An album with fifteen gentle and fine solo pieces, a perfect combination that facilitates our thoughts and visualizes green landscapes where peace is the true protagonist. (Freely translated from Spanish)

Alejandro Clavio, Reviews Newage